Keep windows closed at night to prevent pollens or molds from drifting into your home. Instead, if needed, use air conditioning, which cleans, cools, and dries the air.
Keep car windows closed when traveling.
Try to stay indoors when the pollen count or humidity is reported to be high, and on windy days when dust and pollen are blown about.
Take a vacation during the height of the pollen season to a more pollen-free area, such as the beach or sea.
Take medications prescribed by your allergist regularly in the recommended dosage.
Take more medication than recommended in an attempt to lessen your symptoms.
Mow lawns or be around freshly cut grass; mowing stirs up pollens and molds.
Rake leaves, as this also stirs up molds.
Hang sheets or clothing out to dry. Pollens and molds may collect on these items.
Overwater indoor plants if you are allergic to mold. Wet soil encourages mold growth.
*Adapted from the AAAAI